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Friday, 2 October 2015

Let the Blogging Begin! Plus: Interviewing Jenniffer Taylor

BellaCrafts has just celebrated our 7 year Birthday, and of course it deserved a big to do! After an action packed weekend full of workshops, demo’s, exciting new products and special guests, we thought we’d finally take the plunge and launch our blog! Exciting we know! We’ll be bringing you super cute craft ideas, exclusive offers, inspiration and more!

This week we are bringing you an exclusive interview from BBC Sewing Bee and Create & Craft TV star, Jenniffer Taylor. Since appearing on television she’s launched the #sewing revolution and is on a mission to get all of us out there sewing and crafting! As one of our Festivals Special guests she told us her story of how she began sewing and shared her skills with a fantastic up-cycling workshop. We took a few minutes with her, perched between sewing kits and garments ready to be transformed, to chat about her recent success.
Jenni with Belinda and Victoria at BellaCrafts

Being the least experienced seamstress on The Great British Sewing Bee, I know I was rooting for you from the start, though it must have been pretty scary for you. What was your fave thing about the being on the Bee?
I loved the challenges on the bee. I preferred the blind tasks, it meant everyone was on a level playing field and it was much more exciting. I also really enjoyed seeing how the whole thing worked, the camera men, the directors, all the people running around. It was just a really great atmosphere and brilliant to see how a television programme really comes together.

What would you say was your best project?

Oooo... Dungarees! The corduroy dungarees, I loved that challenge. I love dungarees anyway and I’d recently been made an Auntie to my first nephew, so I was all BABY BABY BABY! I was in my element making these cute little blue corduroy dungarees. I wanted to get in them myself...

Having worked with all those different fabrics, what would you class as your favourite material to work with?

Denim! It’s a lovely fabric to play with, it doesn’t fray and it holds structure well. It’s almost like cutting paper, very robust and easy to use. Whereas if you’re using stretch fabric or silks, it’s a whole different ball game.

Is the Bee as tense in real life as it looks on tv; are you all really throwing garments on the models in the final 10 seconds?!

Yes, everything is seen as it is! The challenges were timed to the letter, every second counted!

What was it like watching yourself on national tv?

PictureI remember when it first came on tele! We started filming in August and it didn’t go live until February – I had to keep my mouth shut all that time.  I couldn’t tell anyone anything; it was really difficult to keep the whole thing quiet. When the first episode came out we all watched it at our studio called Hockley Street Studio. My friend organised a party, we rented a projector and had loads of sewing themed cupcakes!

Yeah there was bunting everywhere and I just remember seeing my face projected on this massive 7’x7’ wall and thinking “Why am I doing this?!” [nervous laughing]  It was really weird watching myself on live tv, knowing the whole country could be watching.

What was the cringiest thing about being on tv? Was there one thing you did or something you kept doing that just made you blush?

All of my impromptu noises, constantly going “oooo”. [Bursts out laughing]I think it’s quite.... well, I think I might have tourettes! - I just can’t help it, it just comes out.

I think sewing is one of those crafts you do get really into as well... you just forget where you are.

Yeah I definitely did. I’d just be running across the room and squealing. That was definitely cringy!

The other thing I noticed is that I just have no neck! I mean you only ever see yourself in a mirror or photo not from all these different angles, and I just don’t have a neck.

I think you have a very good neck! I like your neck.
Thank you, I’m working on it! It was a bit of a weird thing for me seeing myself for those sorts of angles and realising I just don’t have a neck.
 It must be so odd seeing yourself on television on a show where you’re right in the foreground and the centre of attention.
Definitely took a bit of getting used to yeah.
So throughout your time on the Bee and having grown into a talented seamstress what is your favourite thing in your sewing box? Sorry I know it’s a tough question.
I think a seamstress’s best friend is an unpicker. If you’re not making a mistake, you’re not doing it right. It’s a life saver and remember to learn from your mistakes, don’t be afraid of them.
I also have this really, really cute pair of embroidery scissors shaped like stalks and I’ve made them into a necklace. I love that, it’s one of my little cute ones. So it’s a bit of a war between those two really...Don’t make me choose!

I know you’ve come a long way since leaving the Sewing Bee, running lots of workshops and appearing on Create and Craft. What is the next step for the #sewingrevolution?
OOOO! [Claps hands excitedly] The sky’s the limit!! I definitely want to continue with workshops and keep expanding! Today was my first time teaching in Southampton which is great.  So I definitely want to go further afield than the midlands. I really want to do more TV work with Create and Craft and who knows from there... I’d love my own programme. I’d go to people’s houses and cut up their stuff, it would be brilliant.
I’d also really like to write a book because then there’s no stopping someone from just getting my book and picking up a needle and thread. You can start sewing just like that and build confidence from there. It feels long term but I’ve quit my day job now so I can really focus on my new career in the sewing world.  The future is looking bright!

What is your ultimate goal for the future?
I wanna be May on the sewing bee! [lots of laughter] I want to remain myself and be who I am but just inspire people. The idea of me being what May is would be the ultimate, the go to seamstress, I don’t think I could beat that!

I think I’d have to courtesy to you if came back as Jenni, the Sewing Bee Guru. Thank you so much!

Some beautiful up-cycled bags these ladies created at Jenni's workshop!

Jenni has definitely inspired us.... not only have we introduced a whole new range of fabric but we'll also be teaching a Sewing Course plus loads of great classes in February and March next year. Take a look: